Contact me at: mccorkleheather (at) gmail (dot) com

If I have edited for you before a discount may apply. Contact me for details!

Content & Developmental Editing:
$.02 cents per word.
(Example: A 80,000 word manuscript would cost $1600.00.)

I provide comments in the manuscript using Word's Track Changes with a focus on plot, consistency of details, character arcs, pacing, timeline, flow, voice, point of view, tense, etc., as well as grammar editing (red-line edits), and after you have incorporated your changes using Track Changes in Word, I will go back through and do a second read, and provide comments on the changes you made if you left Track Changes on so I can go straight to them.

Query Letters - $35
Includes four rounds of revisions on query letter  (a first draft of which you must supply along with a short pitch/synopsis to give me background on the story).

Back Cover Copy - $35
This is for your print book. Includes four rounds of revisions on back cover copy (a first draft of which you must supply along with a short pitch/synopsis to give me background on the story). This can also double as a description for your book on retail sites.

Payment is taken via the safe and secure Paypal. Once we have chatted and decided which option you need, I will invoice you via email through Paypal.