Anyone can push out words, vomiting them onto the page in often a non-sequential mess that is far more painful to edit than it ever was to write. But there is a way around that, a way that will not make you dread editing that mass of words you pushed out in only one month. This tip will help you so much that you may find yourself able to write more than the 50,000 most NaNo writers strive for. It is simple and will make many cringe, but for those serious about winning NaNo, it will work.
Yes really, and no it isn't cheating. Outlining your NaNo novel will help keep you focused and on track, which will make editing that novel a breeze. You don't have to crush your creativity to do it, either. Write a rough outline, one that addresses character arcs, the overall story arc, and pacing (action chapters vs. inaction). By rough, I mean, you don't have to feel married to it. Use it as a guide to combat writer's block, to give you direction, then allow your muse to flow. If your muse moves away from the outline, let it! Just make sure you accomplish the arcs you want to accomplish and you're golden.Why does outlining work? Because it reveals plot holes and inconsistencies that are very hard to fix in the editing process. If you use this tip, you'll find you are able to edit that manuscript in the same~and often less~time than it took you to write it. Which means, you just might be able to submit that novel before the end of the year. But, never, ever, submit a novel that hasn't been thoroughly edited by yourself! Good luck to all NaNo participants and have fun!